The standards for writing a dissertation almost identically govern the structure of work for different branches of science. The text of the research consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography, and applications. The introduction contains several key elements:
- relevance;
- description of the research problem;
- analysis of the degree of elaboration of the topic;
- subject and object of the dissertation;
- purpose of research;
- research objectives;
- research methods and methodology;
- provisions to be defended;
- approbation of work;
- the practical significance of the
The structure of the study is written not only as a guide for a potential candidate of sciences but also used to generate reports in the first and second semesters of postgraduate studies. A condition for obtaining credit for research work may be a completed copy-book of a graduate student, where a U-turn is reserved for key aspects of the study. A plan prospectus may be requested from applicants during the second semester. The details of the work can also be asked at a meeting of the council of the department or institute when approving the topic, so you need to start working on the structure as soon as possible. After finishing work on the material, the research plan will again be needed in the preparation of an abstract - a brief retelling of the key provisions of the work.
The methodology in the dissertation
Under the methodology in the dissertation is understood the sum of the methods that the graduate student used to achieve the goal of scientific research. The methods in the dissertation are divided into general scientific and special. General scientific methods are theoretical and experimental. The most common theoretical methods are deduction and induction. The deduction method allows one to derive a particular conclusion from general information. The induction method involves the movement from frequent to general. The formalization method is in demand: it involves the expression of volumetric concepts in graphs, charts, and tables
Special methods depend on the scientific industry.
The purpose and objectives of the dissertation
Goals and objectives are what they start with when they decide to write a dissertation. Properly formulated goals and objectives accelerate the progress of the study for Write My Capstone Project Consider the methodology that helps to properly format this part of the introduction:
- One for a dissertation;
- Substantially repeats the title of scientific work;
- The theme and goal should combine the problem and the results of its solution.
- There are no rules for writing tasks in the dissertation, but you can prepare a draft list, and then refine it with the supervisor, based on the following standard for USA:
- the first task to devote to the disclosure of the problem and analysis of sources devoted to it.
- devote the second to a review of solutions to the problem.
- the third should be given for the practical stage of the research: to provide an example of a solution to the problem.
Traditionally, the number of tasks corresponds to the number of chapters in the dissertation. If there are more tasks, they are distributed evenly, two or three for each chapter.
Object and subject in the dissertation
The object and the subject are related as a whole and particular. An object is a problem field, an object is a detail, by the example of which the manifestation of a problem is obvious and it is possible to propose a solution to it. Consider an example from the text of a dissertation on medicine: “The object of research is the formation of immune dysfunctions during the intensification of the apoptosis process. The subject of the study is immune dysfunctions that occur during high loads among biathletes. ”
Defense Provisions
Finish and defend the candidate will not succeed without the provisions to be defended. The provisions are the main section that members of the dissertation council study. A defense thesis is a summary of the results achieved by the applicant . This may include terms and formulations proposed by the graduate student, a description of the place that the discovery occupies in the chosen branch of science. The provisions should correspond to the content of the dissertation, be prepared, and reviewed during the entire design of the work .
How to quickly write a dissertation
The defended graduate school graduates are sure that you can write a scientific work in a short time if you follow four rules:
- The text will not be written if the topic does not correspond to the author’s inclinations. You can write on an uninteresting topic
but not quickly.
- Basic texts should be available. The necessary benefits should be in the physical reach of the graduate student if there is no time to go after them to the other end of the country.
- The style of presentation of the main texts should be clear and consistent with the level of intelligence of a particular applicant. Complex sources slow down work.
- The methodology should be appropriate for the writer. The chance to apply the experimental method tends to zero if the laboratory work schedule is scheduled for the year ahead.
How to get a vacation to prepare for a thesis defense:
- Notify the employer of the desire to take a vacation for the year.
- Within 10 working days from the date of the council’s decision on accepting the dissertation for protection, bring to the employer an extract from the relevant protocol and an application for leave.
The motivation for writing a Ph.D. thesis
A dissertation does not determine your future path: you can be a talented researcher and not force yourself to get a degree or work at a university all your life, defend a doctorate, but not leave a significant contribution to science . It is difficult to write a dissertation for those who do not correlate the invested efforts and the result. If you don’t put your soul into the work - it will be boring to write it if you put too much effort - it’s hard to accept criticism and realize after the defense that you only need work. Pay particular attention to the following sections:
- introduction;
- research novelty;
- provisions to be defended;
- list of scientific publications prepared individually or with a co-author.
Where to start to write a dissertation
If you are planning to write a dissertation, but don’t know where to start, use synthetic and analytical writing methods. The synthetic method involves the presentation of thoughts in separate fragments. Then you need to print the texts on separate sheets and lay them out on a wide free surface. When applying the method, the graduate student runs through the fragments with his eyes, looking for similar ones, and places them nearby. It remains only to move the fragments in digital form and add textual bundles to make a coherent material.